We have tracked, categorized under Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification), over 20 funding programs and $43,303,108 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Speaker program 2023 Apply for SMK800 23 PAS007

Funding Number: SMK800 23 PAS007
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to North Macedonia
Funding Amount: $45,000
Human Rights for All Apply for 7200AA22APS00007 ADDENDUM 1

Funding Number: 7200AA22APS00007 ADDENDUM 1
Agency: Agency for International Development, Guatemala USAID-Guatemala City
Funding Amount: $15,000,000
2023 Media Professionalization Assistance Program Apply for 2023 FY22AEECA PASPODGORICA MEDIA

Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Montenegro
Funding Amount: $70,000
Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program - Region 3 Apply for DHS 23 GPD 042 03 01

Funding Number: DHS 23 GPD 042 03 01
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, Department of Homeland Security - FEMA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
U.S. Embassy Brussels PAS Annual Program Statement - Individuals Apply for PAS BE200 FY23 02

Funding Number: PAS BE200 FY23 02
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Belgium
Funding Amount: $100,000
Evidence-based Workforce Development Partnership Training – Curriculum Development/Conversion Apply for 22JD10

Funding Number: 22JD10
Agency: Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections
Funding Amount: $100,000
2022 Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela Full Proposals Apply for SFOP0008576

Funding Number: SFOP0008576
Agency: Department of State, Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program (Prescott Grant Program) Apply for NOAA NMFS PRPO 2022 2006908

Funding Number: NOAA NMFS PRPO 2022 2006908
Agency: Department of Commerce
Funding Amount: $100,000
PGO Request for Statements of Interest - ARDF Apply for PGO MRT FY2020 02

Funding Number: PGO MRT FY2020 02
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Mauritania
Funding Amount: $200,000
Annual Program Statement for Public Affairs Cultural and Educational Programs (“Public Diplomacy Grants Program”), U.S. Embassy - Bishkek Apply for STATE BISHKEK PAS 21 0001

Funding Number: STATE BISHKEK PAS 21 0001
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Kyrgyzstan
Funding Amount: $120,000
U.S. Embassy Cotonou PDS Request for Statements of Interest: Annual Program Statement Apply for AFBEN 21 01

Funding Number: AFBEN 21 01
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Benin
Funding Amount: $20,000
U.S. Embassy Bangkok FY21 Annual Program Statement Apply for 12 2020 1

Funding Number: 12 2020 1
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Thailand
Funding Amount: $30,000
NIC Jail-Related Publications Revision Apply for 20JD06

Funding Number: 20JD06
Agency: Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Notice of Intent - Congressional Science Fellowship Apply for USGS 19 FAP 0110

Funding Number: USGS 19 FAP 0110
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $45,108
Facilitating Agricultural Results, Modernization, and Educational Resources (FARMER) Apply for SFOP0006019

Funding Number: SFOP0006019
Agency: Department of State, Assistance Coordination
Funding Amount: $5,000,000
2019 Jordan Local Grants Program Apply for JORDANLG2019

Funding Number: JORDANLG2019
Agency: Department of State, Assistance Coordination
Funding Amount: $350,000
Evaluating restoration success for shoreline projects to reduce nearshore microbial contamination, as funded under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Apply for USGS 19 FAC 0068

Funding Number: USGS 19 FAC 0068
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $78,000
2018 Preservation, Restoration, and Rehabilitation of Historic Landscape at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park Apply for NPS 18 NERO 0084

Funding Number: NPS 18 NERO 0084
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $45,000
FY17 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Apply for DHS 17 MT 047 000 99

Funding Number: DHS 17 MT 047 000 99
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, Department of Homeland Security - FEMA
Funding Amount: $15,000,000
Advancing Civic Engagement through the Assessment of Public Opinion Apply for NEAAC ACMEPI 17 004

Funding Number: NEAAC ACMEPI 17 004
Agency: Department of State, Assistance Coordination
Funding Amount: $2,000,000


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  • Grants Repository - Access current and historic funding opportunities with ease. Thousands of funding opportunities are published every week. We can help you sort through the database and find the eligible ones to apply for.
  • Applicant Video Guides - The grant application process can be challenging to follow. We can help you with intuitive video guides to speed up the process and eliminate errors in submissions.
  • Grant Proposal Wizard - We have developed a network of private funding organizations and investors across the United States. We can reach out and submit your proposal to these contacts to maximize your chances of getting the funding you need.
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